"Cherished Memories"

Hometown Bridge
By Thomas Kinkade

Picture this baby, an artist could paint

The face of an angel, the heart of a saint

Trying to please, from morning til night

Never complaining, so all would be right

Playing with friends, that no one could see

Made him the person, he wanted to be

One day a boy, the next day a man

So little time, and so much to plan

What do you leave, what do you pack

For the future is here, and there’s no turning back

Marching in time, to a strenuous beat

Becoming a soldier, your mission, complete

A defender of justice, the laws you uphold

With compassion and bravery, your courage so bold

But no medal of honor, or the badge you now wear

Can measure the pride, and the love our hearts share

Your story’s not over, new chapters to start

Cherished memories await you, to hold in your heart

A lifetime unfolding, one last thing to say

God, thank you for Craig, and this special day.

Created By:  Barbara J. D. Figgeroa
July 10, 1999

Poetry By Bobbie
About The Author
Poetry By Bobbieä Copyrightã 2001. All Rights Reserved.
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